Literacy Specialist

“This training really showed me ways to interact with my mentee in a positive manner and be helpful to them at the same time. For example, the questioning techniques that were shared were thought-provoking and certainly will be used when having discussions with the mentee. Scenarios that we covered in class gave that "hands-on'' feel for what we could be dealing with and offered many suggestions as to how to handle them. I also enjoyed the process of breaking things down to discover what is happening. Very good techniques were shared.” "This was one of the best learning opportunities I've been a part of! I learned so much about not only how to support beginning teachers, but the importance of building a relationship and having quality conversations!"
Mentor Training Testimonials
Teacher and principal practices foster the intellectual, social, and emotional growth of children, resulting in measurable growth that can be documented in meaningful ways.
Professional Development aligned with InTASC standards, ISLCC standards, and the Danielson Frameworks and in support of Wisconsin’s Educator Effectiveness System, including but not limited to:
Focus Training for Administrators
Recalibration for Administrators
Initial Educator Training Mentor Training
Coaching Training
Professional Learning Community Implementation & Evaluation
Frontline Training and Support
System Reboots and Fidelity Checks
Goal Setting and SLOs for teachers and principals
Student Assessment—school/ classroom improvement planning, assessment development, and data analysis

Executive Director of Learning Services